LOT 818
A pair of huanghuali yokeback armchairs, sichutou guanmaoyi, Ming dynasty, 17th century | 明十七世紀 黃花梨瑞獸紋四出頭官帽椅成對
作品估价:HKD 600,000 - 1,200,000
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A pair of huanghuali yokeback armchairs, sichutou guanmaoyi, Ming dynasty, 17th century | 明十七世紀 黃花梨瑞獸紋四出頭官帽椅成對
A pair of huanghualiyokeback armchairs, sichutou guanmaoyi, Ming dynasty, 17th century 明十七世紀 黃花梨瑞獸紋四出頭官帽椅成對 theS-shaped splat pierced with a ruyi-medallion enclosing a spirited auspicious beast andflanked bybeaded decorative spandrels, the sturdy yoke with upturned rounded ends and adorned with the motif of a sun cradled by ruyi-clouds, the curved arms supported by S-shaped braces in the middle and posts thatextend through the seat rail to form the front and back legs, with shaped spandrels at the protruding ends, thelegs joined by a footrail and stretchers of ascending heights and decorated with cusped and beaded aprons, the front apron further decorated with a floral scroll 56.8 by 47.6 by h. 109.8 cm The Canton Collection, Hong Kong, and thence by family descent. 小聽颿樓收藏,香港,此後家族傳承 Ronald Poon, The Dream in Reality: Ronald Poon 1968-1998, Beijing, 1999, p. 221 (top left). 潘祖堯,《現實中的夢想:建築師潘祖堯的心路歷程1968-1998》,北京,1999年,頁221(左上) Huanghuali yokeback armchairs of this type are characterised by the protruding ends of their top rails, which lend the chairs a commanding presence. Known as guanmaoyi ('official's hat-shaped chairs') after their resemblance to the winged hat of Ming officials, these chairs have retained a connotation of status and authority associated with the highest echelons of Chinese society. Compare a closely related pair with similar S-shaped features, curvilinear apron and cloud-shaped spandrels but an undecorated back splat illustrated in Grace Wu Bruce, The Best of The Best: The MQJ Collection of Ming Furniture, vol. 1, Beijing, 2017, pp. 240-245; and another chair with a high-relief ruyi design on the backsplat, sold in these rooms, 6th April 2016, lot 108. 此類黃花梨官帽椅搭腦外展,平添軒昂氣度,因形似明朝官帽長翅乃得其名。官帽椅寓示顯赫身份,與中國古代權貴生活息息相關。 可比較一對,其流線形態、券口牙子、如意牙頭皆與此對頗似,然靠背板素淨無紋,載錄於伍嘉恩,《木趣居:家具中的嘉具》,卷1,北京,2017年,頁240-245;另比一件,靠背板雕如意頭形花紋,售於香港蘇富比2016年4月6日,編號108。