LOT 2010
A superb and very rare Cizhou sgraffiato 'peony' pillow, Northern Song dynasty | 北宋 磁州窰白地黑花纏枝牡丹紋如意形枕
作品估价:HKD 1,000,000 - 2,400,000
A superb and very rare Cizhou sgraffiato 'peony' pillow, Northern Song dynasty | 北宋 磁州窰白地黑花纏枝牡丹紋如意形枕
A superb and very rare Cizhou sgraffiato 'peony' pillow, Northern Song dynasty 北宋 磁州窰白地黑花纏枝牡丹紋如意形枕 the curved headrest of a lobedruyi shape and raised on a high pentagonal base, the top decorated with three lotus blooms borne on dense scrolling foliageissuing curling leaves in black slip, skilfully incised and cut away to reveal the cream slipped ground beneath,appliedoverall with a transparent glaze save for the front edge of the headrest and the front and underside of the base, revealing the stoneware body, Japanese wood box 30.5 by 32 by h. 20.2 cm Mayuyama & Co., Ltd, Tokyo. 繭山龍泉堂,東京 Gakuji Hasebe,Toki zenshu[The complete works of ceramics], vol. 13: So no Jishu you [Song dynasty Cizhou wares], Tokyo, 1958, pl.44 (bottom). Jan Wirgin, Sung Ceramic Designs, Stockholm, 1970, pl. 46:c. 長谷部楽爾,《陶器全集》,卷13:宋の磁州窯 ,東京,1958年,圖版44下 Jan Wirgin,《Sung Ceramic Designs》,斯德哥爾摩,1970年,頁140,圖46:c To So no Tochin [Special exhibition of pillows in the Tang and Song dynasties], Kyoto National Museum, Kyoto, 1970, cat. no. 49 (unillustrated). 《唐.宋の陶枕》,京都國立博物館,京都,1970年,編號49(沒載圖) The present pillow, of delicate leaf shape form, is decorated with the sgraffiato technique: its graceful floral design carved into the rich black slip to reveal a white slip background below. A specialty of the Guantai kilns of Cizhou, these pillows were produced in a variety of forms and designs. Compare apillow of this form and decorative style but with a single peony spray design from the Field Museum of Chicago, exhibited in Freedom of Clay and Brush through Seven Centuries in Northern China: Tz’u-chou Type Wares, 960-1600 A.D., Indianapolis Museum of Art, Bloomington, 1980, pl. 41; and a jar fragment of closely related black lotus decoration excavated from the Guantai kilns, illustrated in Guantai Cizhou yaozhi / The Cizhou Kiln Site at Guantai, Beijing, 1997, pl. 27, fig. 3. For potential prototypes carved through the cream slip down to the body, compare a related pillow with a more simple floral design also excavated from Guantai, illustrated ibid., col. pl. 18, fig. 3; and another from the collection of the Indianapolis Museum of Art, sold at Christie’s New York, 29th March 2017, lot 22. 本枕白地黑花錯落分明,紋飾秀朗,風格嫻熟,盡顯磁州觀台窰之獨特風格。觀台窰所燒造之陶枕形飾亦不盡相同,花樣翻新。芝加哥菲爾德博物館藏一類例,器形與本品相近,飾單一牡丹,展覽於《Freedom of Clay and Brush through Seven Centuries in Northern China: Tz’u-chou Type Wares, 960-1600 A.D.》,印第安納波利斯藝術博物館,布魯明頓,1980年,圖版41。觀台窰址出土相類白地黑花罐殘片,圖載於《觀台磁州窰址》,北京,1997年,圖版27,圖3;和一紋飾較簡相關例,彩圖18,圖3。再參考一例,原為印第安納波利斯藝術博物館藏,售於紐約佳士得2017年3月29日,編號22。