LOT 1502
A grey Ying scholar's rock, Ming dynasty | 明 英石小研山
作品估价:HKD 100,000 - 300,000
A grey Ying scholar's rock, Ming dynasty | 明 英石小研山
A grey Ying scholar's rock, Ming dynasty 明 英石小研山 dark grey limestone with white veining and inclusions, 19th-century Suzhou woodstand 13 cm The dark-hued rock, lightly tinged with green and interspersed with white and yellow veins, resembles a towering mountain with steep, perilous cliffs. The rugged and craggy surface resembles deep gorges and crevasses in intertwined cliffs and peaks, but its small size also allows it to serve as a brushrest on a table. Wen Zhenheng (1585-1645 ) praised the use of scholar’s rocks, such as Lingbi or Ying rocks, as brushrests in his Zhangwu zhi (Treatise on Superfluous Things) in the Ming dynasty. The old Suzhou wood stand of the current piece further adds a charming touch of antiquity to the piece. Named after Yingde in Guangdong province from which they originated, Ying rocks are dark rocks tinged with green and grey, and marked with white and yellow veins. Mostly found in small to medium sizes, they are hard and compact, and produce a clear sound when flicked with a finger. Often formed as stalactites, Ying rocks would have required sawing in order to be extracted. Found in a variety of forms and sizes, they serve as objects ofcontemplation and have, in fact, been held in high regard since the Song dynasty when the literati favoured nature and simplicity. Widely recognised as one of the most esteemed rocks for scholarly objects, Ying rocks are considerably rare and precious, and Wen also discussed the rarity and preciousness of Ying rocks in Zhangwu zhi (Treatise on Superfluous Things). 「明-清 英石小研山」,天然英石,石色黑中泛青,白、黃色石紋相間。如兀立孤峰、斜欹側偏,形絕勢險;石表奇崛多皺折,如有深岰洞壑、嵌空穿溜,其間巉岩交錯之狀、峰巒奇險之勢,渾然天成,復以形制小巧,適可置於案頭,作為書寫或作畫間隙暫時擱筆之筆架山。明代文震亨(1585〜1645)《長物志》:「筆格雖為古製,然既用研山,如靈璧、英石,峰巒起伏,不露斧鑿者為之,此式可廢。」[1] 隨附清代蘇作老紅木座,古意盎然。 英石,原產廣東省英德縣。石色黑中泛青、灰,間有白、黃色石紋,多為中小形石,石質堅嫩縝密,手指扣彈有共鳴聲。英石多於巖下倒懸,須鋸采而得,以其千姿百態、變幻萬狀,可供繆思而為各種情思想像,或小中現大,臥遊清賞,宋代以來,即為崇尚自然、平淡天真的文人所喜,是文人心目中最頂級的供石,也是文房清供最佳供石之一,惟其產地偏遠,不易取得,最為清貴。文震亨《長物志》:「英石,出英州倒生巖下,以鋸取之,故底平起峰,高有至三尺及丈餘者,小齋之前,疊一小山,最為清貴,然道遠不易致。」[2] [1] (明)文震亨撰,陳劍點校,《長物志》(杭州:浙江人民美術出版社,2012),卷7,頁100。 [2] (明)文震亨撰,陳劍點校,前引書,卷3,頁56-57。