LOT 1505
Dragon's Horn A black Taihu scholar's rock, Song - Ming dynasty | 祥龍角 宋至明 太湖石研山
作品估价:HKD 1,000,000 - 2,000,000
Dragon's Horn A black Taihu scholar's rock, Song - Ming dynasty | 祥龍角 宋至明 太湖石研山
Dragon's Horn A black Taihu scholar's rock, Song - Ming dynasty 祥龍角 宋至明 太湖石研山 black limestone with subtle white veining and inclusions,19th-century Suzhou woodstand 54 cm The Richard Rosenblum Collection. Richard Rosenblum 收藏 Nancy Berliner, 'The Rosenblum Collection of Chinese Rocks',Orientations, November 1990, p. 73, fig. 9. HuangHsien-Long, ed.,Lingbi Yanshan, Jiansongge, Taipei, 2016, no. 20. Nancy Berliner, 〈The Rosenblum Collection of Chinese Rocks〉,《Orientations》,1990年11月 ,頁73,圖9 黃玄龍主編,《靈璧研山》,翦淞閣,台北,2016年,第二十品 Robert D. Mowry,Worlds within Worlds: The Richard Rosenblum Collection of Chinese Scholars' Rocks, Harvard University Art Museums, Cambridge, 1997, p. 183, cat. no. 16. Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, 1997. Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix, 1998. Museum Rietberg, Zurich, 1998. The World of Scholars' Rocks: Gardens, Studios, and Paintings, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2000. Robert D. Mowry,《Worlds within Worlds: The Richard Rosenblum Collection of Chinese Scholars' Rocks》,哈佛大學藝術博物館,劍橋,1997年,頁183,編號16 西雅圖藝術博物館,西雅圖,1997年 鳳凰藝術博物館,鳳凰城,1998年 雷特伯格博物館,蘇黎世,1998年 《The World of Scholar's Rock: Gardens, Studios, and Paintings》,美國大都會藝術博物館,紐約,2000年 Black like lacquer, the present rock displays hard yet smooth surfaces, resembling swords and spears, and is covered with fish-scale-like pitting that has formed over time. Emperor Huizong of the Song dynasty owned a black Lake Tai stone shaped like a dragon's horn, which he had illustrated in a drawing.[1] Taihu (Lake Tai) rocks are produced in the waters off Dongting Mountain in Suzhou and the best ones are found at the bottom of Xiaoxia Bay off the mountains west of Lake Tai. The extraction of Taihu rocks began in the Tang dynasty, and continued throughout subsequent dynasties. During the Song dynasty, Emperor Huizong collected scholar's rocks from across the empire to construct the Genyue Garden, and Taihu rocks were excavated on a large scale. According to Song dynasty scholar Fan Chengda (1126–1193)’s Taihu shi zhi [Taihu Rock Record), “Rocks from Western Dongting are often hollowed out by the force of waves and polished smooth by the water. Some are firm and lustrous like jade, sharp like swords and spears, towering like peaks, or aligned like screens. Some are sleek like fat, dark as lacquer, or shaped like humans or birds. Connoisseurs acquire them to adorn their gardens and courtyards. Rocks that have been submerged in water for a long time are eroded by the waves. Their scaly surface is the trace of water marks. When struck, they produce a clear sound like a chime.”[2]This passage crystallises the characteristics of Taihu rocks. [1]Fu Xinian (ed.), Zhongguo meishu quanji, Liang Song huihua, shang, vol. 3 (Taipei: Jinxiu chubanshe), pl. 46, pp. 94-95. [2] Song dynasty, Fan Chengda, Taihu shi zhi [Taihu Rock Record], in Kong Fanli (ed.), Fan Chengda yizhu jicun [A Collection of Lost Works by Fan Chengda] (Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1983), pp. 132–133. 「太湖石研山 祥龍角」,原藏于知名雕塑家、賞石家羅森氏(Richard Rosenblum,1940〜2000),歷經美國大都會博物館及各地展覽與出版。曾是羅森氏所珍藏諸太湖石中之佼佼者。原配清晚期十九世紀蘇式風格紅木浮雕座。 天然太湖石,色黑如漆,性堅而潤,宛轉險怪,如劍如戟。石面遍佈魚鱗般坑洼,名為彈子窩。宋徽宗有黑太湖祥龍石一座,曾寫生圖之,[1] 其形彷彿一角,是以名之。 太湖石,出自蘇州洞庭山水域,以西山消夏灣水底所產最佳,唐代已有開採,後世繼之。最著名者乃宋徽宗為造艮嶽,實行花石綱,廣蒐天下奇石,於是大規模開採太湖石。宋代范成大(1126〜1193)《太湖石志》記載:「石出西洞庭,多因波濤激湍而為嵌空,浸濯而為光瑩。或縝潤為矽瓚、廉劌如劍戟、矗如峰巒、列如屏障,或滑如肪,或黝為漆,或如人如禽鳥。好事者取之以充囿庭除之玩。石生水中者艮歲久浸,波濤衝擊成嵌空。石面鱗鱗,名曰彈窩,亦水痕也,扣之鏗然聲如磬。」[2] 充分道盡太湖石之特色。 [1] 圖版引自:傅熹年主編,《中國美術全集•繪畫編3•兩宋繪畫 上》(台北:錦繡出版社,1989),圖版46,頁94-95。 [2] (宋)范成大,《太湖石志》,收入:孔凡禮輯,《范成大佚著輯存》(北京:中華書局,1983),頁132 - 133。