LOT 1507
Daiyu Mountain A grey Ying scholar's rock, Ming dynasty | 岱輿 明 英石
作品估价:HKD 300,000 - 600,000
Daiyu Mountain A grey Ying scholar's rock, Ming dynasty | 岱輿 明 英石
Daiyu Mountain A grey Ying scholar's rock, Ming dynasty 岱輿 明 英石 dark grey limestone with subtle white inclusions,19th-century Suzhou woodstand and azitan stand 25.5 cm Huang Hsien-Long, ed., Lingbi Yanshan, Jiansongge, Taipei, 2016,no. 18. 黃玄龍主編,《靈璧研山》,台北,2016年,第十八品 With a rugged surface and scattered with crevices, the rock is horizontally composed like a stretch of mountains with steep and perilous peaks, simultaneously evoking mythical beasts. Deeply layered, the exquisite rock is unique and resembles a celestial mountain, as though masterfully crafted. According to the pre-Qin classic Liezi, the Daiyu Mountain is one of the five sacred mountains to the east of the Bohai Sea. The Daiyu Mountain, also known as Daiyu Island, is a mythical celestial mountain believed to have towered among the clouds before sinking into the Arctic. Considered the most esteemed scholar’s rock, Ying rocks can be categorised based on their forms, colours, and structures, including rugged peaks, or pierced individual peaks. The Qiuchi rock in Su Dongpo (1038-1101)'s collection is particularly famous. In the Southern Song dynasty, Du Wan in Yunlin Stone Catalogue describes Ying rocks as being found in Yingzhou and lists several types of Ying rocks of different colours, forms, and surfaces. He also notes that Su Dongpo acquired two rocks, one green and one white, known as the Qiuchi rocks, and further remarks that rocks exist in multiple forms and sizes and in colours beyond white and green. 「明 岱輿 英石」,天然英石,石色湛黑,透出灰、青色底韻,間雜白、黃色等石質紋理,色澤瑩潤。石表嶙峋遍佈,間有深嵌澗壑。此石為橫臥山體,孤峰聳峭險危,形如昂然瑞獸;層疊窈窕,奇巧殊絕,又似海上仙山,有若鬼斧神工,因以「岱輿」為名,先秦典籍《列子•湯問》記載渤海之東有五山焉,一曰岱輿,二曰員嶠,三曰方壺,四曰瀛洲,五曰蓬萊,是為渤海東五山之一。岱輿,亦稱岱嶼,是神話傳說中位於東海外的一座仙山,相傳高聳入雲,後來漂流到北極,沒於海中。 英石作為歷來最受推崇之文房供石,就其峰巒形貌、石質呈色與結構紋理等,可分數種形態,如峰巒聳拔、多稜角者;又有各具峰巒、山體嵌空穿眼、宛轉相通者,蘇東坡(1037-1101)所藏仇池石尤為著名。南宋杜綰《雲林石譜》:「英石,英州含光、真陽縣之間,石產溪水中。有數種:一微青色,間有白脈籠絡;一微灰黑一淺綠,各有峰巒,嵌空穿眼,宛轉相通,其質稍潤,扣之微有聲。又一種色白,四面峰巒聳拔,多棱角,稍瑩澈,面面有光可鑒物,扣之有聲。采人就水中度奇巧處鏨取之。此石處海外遼遠,賈人罕知之。然山谷以謂象江太守,費萬金載歸,古亦然耳。頃年東坡獲雙石,一綠一白,目為仇池。又鄉人王廓夫亦嘗攜數塊歸,高尺餘,或大或小,各有可觀,方知有數種,不獨白綠耳。」[1] [1] (宋)杜綰,《雲林石譜》,收入《叢書集成初編1507》(上海:上海商務印書館據知不足齋叢書排印本,1936),頁5-6。