LOT 1513
Vast Clouds A large Lingbi scholar’s rock, Song - Ming dynasty | 橫雲岫 宋至明 靈璧石大磬山
作品估价:HKD 2,000,000 - 4,000,000
Vast Clouds A large Lingbi scholar’s rock, Song - Ming dynasty | 橫雲岫 宋至明 靈璧石大磬山
Vast Clouds A large Lingbi scholar’s rock, Song - Ming dynasty 橫雲岫 宋至明 靈璧石大磬山 grey limestone with white veins,19th-century Suzhou woodstand w. 57.5 cm The Richard Rosenblum Collection. Richard Rosenblum 收藏 Huang Hsien-Long, ed.,Lingbi Yanshan, Jiansongge, Taipei, 2016, no. 9. 黃玄龍主編,《靈璧研山》,翦淞閣,台北,2016年,第九品 Robert D. Mowry,Worlds within Worlds: The Richard Rosenblum Collection of Chinese Scholars' Rocks, Harvard University Art Museums, Cambridge, 1997,p. 198. no. 26. Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, 1997. Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix, 1998. Museum Rietberg, Zurich, 1998. The World of Scholars' Rocks: Gardens, Studios, and Paintings, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2000. Robert D. Mowry,《Worlds within Worlds: The Richard Rosenblum Collection of Chinese Scholars' Rocks》,劍橋,1997年,頁 198,編號26 西雅圖藝術博物館,西雅圖,1997年 鳳凰藝術博物館,鳳凰城,1998年 雷特伯格博物館,蘇黎世,1998年 《The World of Scholar's Rock: Gardens, Studios, and Paintings》,美國大都會藝術博物館,紐約,2000年 The current rock exudes a remarkable sense of vibrancy and calls to mind vast clouds emerging from the mountains, cliffs over the river, and, at the same time, a recumbent ox or coiled dragon. The massive dark rock is lightly tinged with green and interspersed with white veins occasionally, resulting in a patinated grey surface showcasing the test of time. Buried deep in the earth before being excavated, prolonged exposure to wind and sun changes lightens the rock’s colour, and as time passes, a thicker skin forms over the rock, which can serve as a reference for its dating. One side of the rock is rugged and twisted, with natural deep groves and crevasses, while the reverse is of a flatter and curved form that was carved for acoustic purposes. See a similar Song-Yuan dynasty Lingbi rock in front of the Juanqinzhai (Studio of Exhaustion from Diligent Service) in the Forbidden City, Beijing,[1] which is comparable to the present one in terms of texture, form, sound when struck, and even the ageing conditions. The clear, resonant sound produced when struck has been a quality deeply admired in Lingbi rocks. It was described in Yugong [The Tribute of Yu] that chime-stones (resonant stones) floated to the surface during the flood. In the Warring States period, Lingbi rocks were used as tribute and constituted the “Eight Sound Stones” by virtue of the irreplaceable resonant, clear sound they produced when struck. In the Shang dynasty, they were used to make chimes. Other historical texts such as Jin Shu [Book of Jin] and Song Shi [The History of Song] also mentioned the sonorous quality of Lingbi rocks, testifying to the important role Lingbi rocks played in the history of ancient musical instruments. 「靈璧石大磬山 橫雲岫」,形體碩大,長達二尺。原藏于知名雕塑家、賞石家羅森氏(Richard Rosenblum,1940〜2000),歷經美國大都會博物館及各地展覽與出版,曾是羅森氏所珍藏諸靈璧石中之佼佼者,原配清晚期十九世紀蘇式風格紅木浮雕座。 天然靈璧石,靈動若飛,形似橫雲出岫。溝壑縱橫,如江邊斷崖。奇崛險怪,似眠牛似蟠螭,如踞若伏。其勢彷彿欲穿雲而出,引人入勝,是以為名。橫雲岫體量碩大,其色黑裡透青,清潤而堅,間有白脈籠絡隱約可見,表面為蒼灰色,結實皮殼,是歲月潤澤的痕迹,靈璧石不宜風日,露處日久色即轉白,年歲愈久漸成皮殼,會越積越厚,甚至覆蓋通體,適可作為斷代的參考依據。其正面巉岩曲折,皴皺宛轉,皆自然生成。背部呈扁樸的彎弧狀,顯然是為音效功能雕鑿而成,平擺於臺面上,更益于音質的振聲激揚,扣擊之,鏗然有聲,響韻悠揚,金玉共鳴。橫雲岫,可為磬,亦可為山,姑且稱之磬山。 北京故宮乾隆花園倦勤齋前有座宋元遺風靈璧石[1],與橫雲岫的質地、姿形、聲音及自然老化等現象參照,極其相似。其通體灰色,塊狀橫臥,上下兩道溝塹,上為天成,下為巧作,既似溶洞層疊,又像崖頭高懸。抨擊此石,清逸悠揚的聲音迴腸蕩氣,仿若古磬,並且平擺浮擱於底座臺面上,均有利於聲音的發揚。靈璧石歷來為人欣賞,多在於其清越的幽幽古聲。 據《禹貢》記載,大禹時,洪水橫流,磬石山如浮水面,故曰「泗濱浮磬」。戰國時代,把靈璧磬石當作貢品,又曰「八音石」,扣之有聲,清潤悅耳,音色獨具,非它物所能代之。殷代古人利用靈璧石的獨特音色製磬。《晉書》記載,皇帝勒令鎮西將軍謝尚來靈璧採磬石,以備大樂江左。《宋史》曾多次記載歷代皇帝來靈璧採石之事。乾德四年(966),議令徐州採泗濱石為編磬;此後還有採泗濱浮石千餘,以為垂磬,這也說明了靈璧石對古代音樂曾有過重大貢獻。 [1] 丁文父 編,《御苑賞石》,北京:生活.讀書.新知 三聯書店, 2000年,頁164。