LOT 1514
An inscribed bamboo-root seal, Qing dynasty | 清 竹根印章筆格
作品估价:HKD 100,000 - 300,000
An inscribed bamboo-root seal, Qing dynasty | 清 竹根印章筆格
An inscribed bamboo-root seal, Qing dynasty 清 竹根印章筆格 resting horizontally to also function as a brushrest, modelled from a gnarled S-shaped irregular bamboo-root section with each end carved with a seal face, one reading renzhe ('the virtuous one'), the other shou ('longevity'), the sides of the bamboo incised with a zhuanshu inscription 14.5 cm Collection of Tomioka Tessai (1837-1924). 富岡鐵齋(1837-1924年)收藏 Modelled from a gnarled bamboo-root with its original form and nodes preserved, the vine-like root functions as a brushrest and is carved with a seal mark on each end, respectively readingrenzhe('the virtuous one') andshou('longevity'), and along the gnarled surface withkaishu inscriptions. The bamboo-root was carefully selected and well patinated to a reddish-brown colour over time. A similar double-ended bamboo seal is preserved in the Palace Museum, Beijing. Carved by Pan Xifeng to Li Shan(1686-1762), the seal is stylistically comparable to the current piece and possibly carved by the same hand.Pan Xifeng, whose given name was Tonggang and who was known as Laotong, resided in Yangzhou and was a renowned bamboo carver and seal engraver active from the Kangxi to the early Qianlong period. 天然竹根隨形巧作。保留其奇形。卷曲。瘢痕。瘤節等自然型態。竹根通體扭曲盤繞。形如老藤曲卷。正可竟筆格之功。兩邊截平面皆刻陽文篆印。一為仁者。一為壽。通體陰刻篆書邊款。此竹根系底部橫莖。其形有扁有圓如皮鞭。又稱竹鞭。本器精選奇材。藉以歲月。故堅實遒勁。色澤紅潤。包漿瑩徹。 北京故宮博物院藏有潘西鳳為李鱓(1686-1762)製竹根双面印章[1]。與本器之篆印與氣息相通。或係出自一人之手。潘西鳳字桐岡號老桐寓居揚州。活躍於康熙雍正至乾隆初期。是知名竹刻家兼篆刻家。潘西鳳於書畫金石音律等。無所不通。并精於刻竹。以陰刻人物及文字為佳。尤其擅長利用竹子奇形。捲曲。斑痕等各種天然形態。再陰刻詩文其上。略加磨製成器。其好友鄭板橋譽之。濮陽仲謙以後第一人[2]。西鳳亦以刻製竹章篆刻著稱一時。汪啟淑(1728-1798)續印人傳謂其。偶得奇竹於山麓。裁以為琴。而闕其徽。爰以竹鬚代。調之成聲。且清以越。蔡邕焦尾不能專美於前矣。以其餘技。鐫製印章。貽諸戚友。一時尚之。好古之士爭購焉[3]。 [1] 惲麗梅,〈竹上印--故宮博物院藏竹印檢索〉《紫禁城》第221期(2013年6月),頁70。 [2] (清)鄭燮著,党明放編,《鄭板橋全集》(台北:蘭臺出版社,2015),詩鈔卷2,〈潘西鳳〉,頁78。 [3] (清)汪啟淑撰,印曉峰點校,《飛鴻堂印人傳》(上海:華東師範大學出版社,2009),卷2,頁112。