LOT 1516
Exquisiteness A black Taihu scholar's rock, Song - Ming dynasty | 玲瓏岫 宋至明 太湖石研山
作品估价:HKD 500,000 - 1,000,000
Exquisiteness A black Taihu scholar's rock, Song - Ming dynasty | 玲瓏岫 宋至明 太湖石研山
Exquisiteness A black Taihu scholar's rock, Song - Ming dynasty 玲瓏岫 宋至明 太湖石研山 black limestone with subtle white and orange veining,two 19th-century Suzhou woodstands 23.5 cm Huang Hsien-Long, ed., Lingbi Yanshan, Jiansongge, Taipei, 2016, no. 22. 黃玄龍主編,《靈璧研山》,翦淞閣,台北,2016年,第二十二品 With a dark colour that resembles lacquer and a lustrous surface marked with white veins, the solid rock, perforated with openings, truly exudes exquisiteness. The solid yet exquisite quality of Taihu rocks was largely the reason why they were sought after for the gardens and studios, with the taller and larger rocks being held in even higher regard. Large-scale excavations of rocks took place in the Song dynasty, and by the late Song dynasty, it became very difficult to find Taihu rocks naturally produced in the watery environment of the lake. Wen Zhenheng (1585-1645), in his Zhangwu zhi (On Superfluous Things), explained that the esteemed Taihu rocks, being hit by waves for many years, became perforated with apertures, which contributed to their exquisiteness. Wen also noted that there were other small stones brought up by fishermen that looked like Lingbi and Ying rocks, but the sound was not clear when struck. 「太湖石研山 玲瓏岫」,天然太湖石,黝黑如漆,性堅而潤,滑如凝脂,間有白脈光瑩如弦絲。通體嵌空穿眼,具宛轉嶮怪之勢,皆成空石,面面玲瓏,是以名之。 由於太湖石溫潤堅實,玲瓏剔透,逐漸成為園林堂屋佈置與書齋文房供石之主角,而以高、大為貴。宋代以來大規模採掘,到了晚明時期,湖水中天然生成的太湖石已經難得一見,故極為稀罕珍貴。 明代文震亨在《長物志》中說:「石在水中者為貴,歲久為波濤衝擊,皆成空石,面面玲瓏。在山上者名旱石,枯而不潤,贋作彈窩。若歷年歲久,斧痕已盡,亦為雅觀。吳中所尚假山,皆用此石。又有小石久沉湖中,漁人網得之,與靈璧、英石亦頗相類,第聲不清響。」[1] [1] (明)文震亨撰,陳劍點校,《長物志》(杭州:浙江人民美術出版社,2011),頁57。