LOT 1520
A rock-inset wumu sculpture, Ming - Qing dynasty | 明至清 烏木嵌石山子
作品估价:HKD 100,000 - 300,000
A rock-inset wumu sculpture, Ming - Qing dynasty | 明至清 烏木嵌石山子
A rock-inset wumu sculpture, Ming - Qing dynasty 明至清 烏木嵌石山子 fashioned from a wumu branch enveloping three embedded stones, almost pyramidal in form with smooth undulating contours and cavernous openings within, the glossy wood of a deep brown colour, the inner cover of the wood box inscribed with Eikyuji ('Everlasting temple') and houdouin ('Courtyard of irresolute treasures') and wood stand h. 17.5 cm A Japanese collection. Sotheby's Hong Kong, 5th April 2006, lot 2922. 日本收藏 香港蘇富比2006年4月5日,編號2922 Embedded in awumu root, the rocks may have been placed there by chance or intentionally before the wood began to grow and gradually enveloped them over time, manifesting in a fascinating natural phenomenon. Solid like stone and dark as lacquer, thewumuhas a well patinated, lustrous surface, and sits atop the wood stand like a mountain with the rocks embedded within it. Preserving the natural form of the wumu root, the craftsman applied only minimal carving and polishing, and created this remarkable piece. See a comparable imperial inscribed Qianlong period rock-inset wood brushpot in the Palace Museum, Taipei, accession no.gu diao 144N (fig. 1). Rock-inset wood pieces were treasured during that time, and upon being presented the brushpot in the 23rd year of the Qianlong reign (corresponding to 1758), the Emperor was so impressed that he immediatelycomposed a poem and had it carved on the exterior of the vessel inzhuanshu. Another poem was inscribed on a different side of the brushpot, further testifying to the Emperor's appreciation of the piece. 「烏木嵌石山子」,天然烏木根函石而生,嵌入之石係於木材生長前,或是恰巧或人為,即已嵌置在其根部,待原木生長後,木質部份逐漸將其包覆歲久而成,於自然中見奇趣。老烏木堅實如石,黝黑似漆,包漿瑩徹,形如孤山抱石橫絕於枯木座上。藝匠保留烏木根的自然型態,僅略施雕刻磨礱,善巧思遂成奇器。 台北故宮博物院有清乾隆(1711〜1799)題詩御銘「奇木嵌石筆筒」[1],與本器自是異曲同工之妙。奇木嵌石的器物在當時乃是奇珍異寶,乾隆二十三年(1758)貢入內府時。乾隆帝見後讚嘆不已,隨即作詩揮毫并命匠師鎸刻器壁,又命匠師篆書刻印文:「乾隆御玩」。此外又在另一器壁再刻御題詩,足見乾隆帝的重視與珍愛。 [1] 嵇若昕編,《明清雕刻展 匠心與仙工 竹木果核篇》,(台北:故宮博物院,2009),頁115。